Saturday 18 October 2014


Yesterday Friday 17th October, was the date we planned to film, we checked the weather to see if its good conditions to film in, we had all our equipment and was ready to go. Unfortunately our male actor decided to bail out on us last minute, not given us no notice or opportunity to find an alternative, he basically left us stranded.

This is a major set back for our group, as actors keep on dropping out even when they have told us they are going to certainly be there. We are now currently a week behind our time schedule and also really behind our production schedule.

We now once again have to find another actor. I am going to make a proposal to my group and ask do we definitely need have to have one female  and one male actor? Is it possible to have two female actors. If the group agree with this, i will personally volunteer myself to be the actor as i will be reliable and we would be able to finally start filming our short film.

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